Saturday, May 26, 2012

                                  I WISH I COULD FISH ....            

As I've mentioned before, I have this friend who loves fishing as much as me.  As a recovered drinker that I am, I have 2 addictions.  (3 if you include my Cleveland Browns).  One, the obvious.  The second is fishing.  Lately with work being so busy at the steel mill fishing is on the hold and tying flies is about all I have time for.  Thank god I have a friend who torments me with pictures 3 days a week to keep me informed of how awesome fishing is. And to show me what I'm missing. [damnit Adam!]. But equally how things like fishing aren't so important in the scope of life. But is a recreational remedy and how this I guess sport has helped me through some pretty shaky times.  
For the working class family man this sport has gave us at times a break from reality. Sometimes to much of a break for our loved ones , but a non angler can't relate and you can't have it both ways  they say. 
    I guess the point I'm making is you can have it both ways with balance, which is hard for a family man angler.  Despite what others think.  

     It's crazy how the circle of friends an angler has , and your significant other has . Almost all of my friends revolve around the sport, except those from the neighborhood I grew up with and family. Oh well.... 

   So back to that friend...Adam, is a friendly reminder of how it used to be before the family, mortgage, bills and my personal favorite sick kids in the winter. 

   Free spirited ,full of great ideas and a plan to get ahead with simplicity. Perfect idea. I guess we all have our time,and now that I'm semi- growing up thanks to my significant other these our the times I don't take for granted anymore.   I HOPE SOMEONE CAN RELATE TO THIS. LOL.

thanks you bastard........(JUST KIDDING ADAM)